Victor-Ferdinand BOURGEOIS


A master of capturing the fleeting beauty of nature through his evocative paintings. 

Born in the charming city of Amiens, he initially studied at the École Régionale des Beaux-Arts de la Somme before moving on to the Arts Décoratifs in Paris. Bourgeois was captivated by the world of the sea and visited Étaples several times, where the port’s hustle and bustle offered him lively subjects to paint. His quest for the perfect light found new expression through the technique of pastel, which he first experimented with during a trip to Switzerland in the autumn of 1908, producing a radiant series of pastels. The renowned painter Armand Guillaumin recognized Bourgeois's talent and invited him to join him in southern France in the spring of 1911, where together they explored the French Riviera. Bourgeois's singular personality and exceptional talent won him critical acclaim and the appreciation of art lovers. He continued to paint until his final days and left behind a rich legacy of masterful works that still inspire awe and admiration today. Victor-Ferdinand Bourgeois passed away at Dieulefit on 6 October 1957, but his captivating paintings continue to be treasured by art enthusiasts worldwide.