


Michel Georges-Michel, also known as Michel Georges Dreyfus, was a prolific artist with a diverse range of talents. 

Born in Paris, he was a painter, journalist, novelist, and French translator. Michel studied under Othon Friesz and Dufy, attending both the École des Beaux-Arts and the École du Louvre. He served as an artistic advisor and collaborated with the Ballets Russes of Serge de Diaghilev from 1913 to 1929, and organized Picasso's first exhibition in Rome in 1917. Michel also participated in exhibitions featuring Matisse and Soutine at the Venice Biennale. Michel's contributions to the arts extended beyond his own work. He founded the Prix de Rome for poets and was the initiator of the first film festivals. He was also the president of the Association of writers and critics of dance and one of the vice-presidents of the Union of the French artistic press. Michel authored over one hundred volumes, including chronicles, reviews, memories, and novels, some of which have been adapted into film and television. Many of Michel's paintings are featured in museums, including the Musée d'art moderne de la Ville de Paris and the Museum of San Francisco. We have created a website to showcase Michel Georges-Michel's artwork, writings, and accomplishments. Our platform provides a comprehensive collection of his paintings and written works, and we invite art enthusiasts, scholars, and anyone interested in the arts to explore our website and learn more about this influential artist.