Evgeniy Ivanovich 



Evgeniy Ivanovich Pospolitaki (1852-1910) was a Russian artist known primarily for his landscape paintings. He lived and worked in Paris, where he studied at the Académie des Beaux-Arts in 1873.

Pospolitaki gained recognition for his unique style and technique, which captured the beauty of the natural world with a sense of warmth and authenticity. His paintings often featured sweeping vistas, tranquil rivers, and majestic mountains, and were characterized by their vivid colors and precise details.In 1877, one of Pospolitaki's works, "In the Evening," was purchased by P.M. Tretyakov for his collection. This marked a significant milestone in Pospolitaki's career, and he continued to exhibit his work throughout his life. From 1881 to 1899, Pospolitaki was a regular participant in exhibitions organized by the Moscow Society of Art Amateurs. He also had a solo show in Yekaterinburg, which was well-received by critics and collectors alike. Today, many of Pospolitaki's paintings can be found in the collections of the State Tretyakov Gallery, as well as in regional museums and private collections in Russia and abroad.We have created a website to showcase Evgeniy Ivanovich Pospolitaki's artwork and provide information on his life and career. Our platform offers a comprehensive collection of his paintings, allowing art enthusiasts and collectors to appreciate and acquire his unique pieces. We also provide information on his contributions to the Russian art world and his place in the history of landscape painting