


Lucien VOGT (1891-1968) was born in New-York in 1891. Shortly before 1904 his family moved to France and settled in Mulhouse from 1904 to 1910. His initial art studies were probably undertaken in Mulhouse’s only specialised school, the École de Dessin et d’Art Industriel. Later, he studied in Paris under François
Flameng (1856–1923), both at the Académie des Beaux-Arts and at Flameng’s studio. Essentially a painter of landscapes and still-lives, Vogt exhibited in Paris
at the Salon des Artistes Français from 1920, and then also the Salon des Indépendants as well as the Salon des Tuileries. His work was known for his sharp
observation and ability to capture the essence of bourgeois life in the 1920s and 1930s in countless small sketches of the French capital. He died in Paris in 1968.