


Marc Gimat was a French artist known for his beautiful floral paintings. 

He was born in France and studied in Paris, where he later passed away on April 12th, 1969. Marc was a student of Lucien Simon and H. R. Moucassin, who inspired and influenced his art style. Marc's artwork is distinguished by its pictorial quality and the warm colors he used in his floral paintings. He had a unique ability to capture the essence of the flowers he painted, making them appear almost lifelike on his canvases. In addition to his paintings and drawings, Marc also created enamels. Marc exhibited his work at the Société des Artistes français and received recognition for his unique style and technique. We have created a website to showcase Marc Gimat's beautiful floral paintings, along with information on his life and career. Our platform offers a comprehensive collection of his artwork, allowing art enthusiasts and collectors to appreciate and acquire his unique pieces.