

Louis Jacque-Monteil (1897-1987) was a French painter, known for his landscapes and still-lifes. He was the grandson of Charles Jacque, a prominent animal painter of his time, and was deeply influenced by his grandfather's art.

Louis developed his own unique style, characterized by his use of vibrant colors and intricate brushwork. His landscapes often depicted the French countryside and its natural beauty, while his still-lifes captured the simple elegance of everyday objects.In addition to his career as a painter, Louis also taught art at the École des Beaux-Arts in Lyon. He was a member of the Salon d'Automne, an influential art exhibition in Paris, and his work was exhibited in numerous galleries and museums throughout France.We have created a website to showcase Louis Jacque-Monteil's beautiful artwork and provide information on his life and career. Our platform offers a comprehensive collection of his paintings, allowing art enthusiasts and collectors to appreciate and acquire his unique pieces.