Paul de 


Paul de Lapparent (1869-1946), whose full name was Marie Paul Cochon de Lapparent, was a French artist known for his landscapes, as well as a draftsman, essayist, and historian of French art. He was born in Paris and signed a portion of his works with the initials P.L.

Paul had a deep appreciation for the natural beauty of the French countryside, which is reflected in his artwork. He captured the essence of the landscape with great attention to detail and used his skills as a draftsman to create precise and intricate drawings. In addition to his work as a painter, Paul was also a respected essayist and historian of French art. He wrote several books and articles on the subject, including "Le Classicisme français," which explored the origins and evolution of French art. Paul's contributions to the art world were significant, and his work was exhibited in various galleries and museums across France. He received recognition for his unique style and technique, which captured the beauty of the French landscape with a sense of warmth and authenticity. We have created a website to showcase Paul de Lapparent's artwork and provide information on his life and career. Our platform offers a comprehensive collection of his paintings and drawings, as well as information on his writings and contributions to the field of French art history.